Gummy Smile Correction


What Is A Gummy Smile?

A gummy smile refers to when a large amount of the upper gums are exposed when smiling. This can sometimes have a negative impact on one's confidence and can be easily treated.

How Can A Gummy Smile Be Corrected?

After an initial consultation to assess suitability, botulinum toxin is injected into the muscles above the lip causing them to relax. This results in less of the upper gums being exposed when smiling. It is a great treatment that will help you to smile with confidence again.

Common Questions

  • What is the duration of the treatment?

    This treatment normally takes around 20 minutes.

  • When will results start to be visible?

    Improvements can start to be seen after a couple of days, but normally takes about 14 days for the full effect to take place.

  • How long will the results last?

    Typically the results from botulinum toxin last for around 3-4 months.

  • Is the procedure painful?

    Normallly the injections are very well tolerated with minimal discomfort. However, if you prefer, we can use a local anaesthetic numbing cream.

  • Will I still able to smile?

    You will still be able to smile as normal. The aim of the treatment is to cause mild relaxtion of specific muscles that contribute to a gummy smile and will not affect the many other muscles involved in your lovely smile.


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